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Expectations: Restaurant & Bar Management

Peter Bouloukos


Positive “Can Do” Attitude. No Drama. No Negativity. Teamwork.

Life doesn't just "happen." Whether we know it or not, it is carefully designed by our choices. We can choose happiness or sadness. We choose decisiveness or ambivalence. We choose success or failure. We choose courage. We can choose fear. Just remember that every moment, every situation, provides a new choice. And in doing so, it gives us all a perfect opportunity to do things differently to produce more positive results.

The strongest force in human nature is the need to remain certain and consistent. We define ourselves subconsciously by whom we think we are. We treat others subconsciously by how we feel about ourselves on the inside. In the workplace as a team we simply hope to define “basics” and standards that will help us all to remain on the same page, but motivation is intrinsic meaning each one of us needs to feel safe and empowered to do well.

The degree of our success is predicated upon how we feel on the inside, and how we are treated by others on the outside. An integral part of all of this is how we treat others. Trust involves trustworthiness first. If we are true at heart and always doing and giving our best, we help to create a safe and secure environment for team work and success.

1) Be Proactive: We have a choice to be either be proactive or reactive when it comes to how we respond to certain things. When you are reactive, you blame other people and circumstances for obstacles or problems. Being PROACTIVE means taking responsibility for every aspect of your life and ability to succeed. When at work, look around the room for what is missing or needs to be done to help prevent the team from falling behind.

Proactive people focus efforts on their Circle of Influence. They work on the things they can do something about: How we treat the person next to us, how we respond to a given situation, how we move within our “hospitality bubble.”

Reactive people focus efforts in the Circle of Concern--things over which they have little or no control: the national debt, terrorism, the weather, spilt milk and often get involved in a world that is “us vs. them.” Here they will complain, compare, contend, compete, and criticize people and things that really should not have an effect upon individual choices or behaviors.

Gaining an awareness of the areas in which we expend our energies is a giant step in becoming proactive.

2) Begin with the End in Mind: -the ability to envision in our minds what we cannot at present see with our eyes or life experience. It is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There is a mental (first) creation, and a physical (second) creation. The physical creation follows the mental, just as a building follows a blueprint. If you don't make a conscious effort to visualize who you are and what you want in life, then you empower other people and circumstances to shape you and your life by default.

Define moral, personal and ethical guidelines that without question you will never waiver from. Begin each day, task or project with a clear heart and focus remaining true, positive and proactive. Remember, nobody can infect or affect you unless you allow it.

We have mission statements or written goals to help remind and guide us. I challenge everyone to develop a Personal Mission statement focusing on how you want to be perceived, where you want to go and what you are most passionate about. It is your plan for success and should encompass “why” you are here. Drive success and create a destiny uniquely yours without the need for anyone to tell you what to do or where to look next.

3) Put First Things First: Prioritize and do the most important things first. Time management is a key component of success. Set the alarm at an appropriate time each morning. Come to work to “win” for everyone around you including guests and team members.

In business, first things first combine number one and two above. Be proactive; create the situation that will best help the team to succeed. Walk the room, look around for what is missing or may need to be organized. Before you take a break, make sure all tables are bussed and everyone on the team is caught up and balanced. Remember, if 80 percent of the restaurant is clean and bussed, our guests and auditors will see and remember the 20 percent that are not.

Restaurant Consulting Options

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